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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers Provided by Skilled & Experienced New Lenox HVAC Pros

If you’re on the fence about upgrading to a new furnace or air conditioner, or you just simply have questions, we’ve compiled answers to frequently asked questions. At RCM Heating & Cooling, our goal is to provide you with exceptional customer service and that includes ensuring that any question you may have is answered—even when we’re not on the job.

If there’s anything we haven’t covered here, feel free to call us at (815) 485-6525 or contact us online. A live representative will be happy to assist you.

How often should I have my heating and cooling systems serviced?

Our New Lenox HVAC technicians recommend that you service your equipment twice a year. More specifically, we suggest that you have regular maintenance on your AC system performed as early as the end of winter or beginning of spring so that it is ready to keep you cool in the summer. We suggest having routine maintenance done on your furnace or boiler as early as the end of summer or beginning of fall to ensure you remain warm and cozy during the harsh and frigid Illinois winters.

Why is indoor air quality so important?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), your indoor air can be two to five times dirtier than the air outside. While this may come as a shock, it is due to the fact that indoor air contains trapped pollutants ranging from chemical fumes to dust to pet dander. If you frequently leave your windows and doors closed, you are preventing the contaminated air from circulating out. Fortunately, there are products available that help improve your indoor air and we are happy to discuss which one would best suit you.

How do I know which size furnace or air conditioner would best suit my property?

Many factors go into determining which size furnace or air conditioner you need, including the size of your property, when it was built, the current ductwork, and your insulation. Before we recommend any products, we will perform a thorough inspection and discuss your heating and cooling needs with you.

Why must I keep upgrading my AC and/or furnace?

At RCM Heating & Cooling, we are dedicated to improving the energy-efficiency of our customers’ heating and cooling systems. As your furnace and air conditioner age, they become less and less energy-efficient. Once your unit reaches around 12 years old, we recommend upgrading to a high-efficiency system. While upgrading may be costly, it will save you up to 50% on your heating and cooling costs in the long run and improve your property’s comfort.

Why should I install a programmable thermostat?

If you’re tired of paying for high energy bills each month, a programmable thermostat may be the perfect solution for you. These devices are designed to improve your overall energy efficiency and save you money on energy bills. One great example of how these devices help is their ability to be turned on and off at certain times. This way, you won’t have your system running all day and it can turn on with enough advance to make your home or business a cool or warm and cozy temperature when you need it to be.

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Still have an unanswered question?
Just give us a call at (815) 485-6525

RCM Heating and Cooling